Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rollheiser Hoists Bean Pot

(Grant Rollheiser... he's the tall one and wearing 35)

I have to admit I'm not an NCAA hockey buff and didn't really know much about the Bean Pot tournament they have. However, watching video highlites of a packed NHL arena in Boston very quickly makes one realize that this thing is no small potatoes... or should I say it's not just a hill of beans.

Rollheiser's BU won the pot for the 29th time. Check out the Terrior Hockey Fan Blog for in depth coverage including video from the championship game. Grant didn't play in that one, but just being part of it must have been awesome. I hope the season is going well for him as Grant is certainly one of the good ones. Congrats on the win!


Speaking of Smokies alumni, Kevin Limbert recently had a four point performance in a big Yale victory. Nice to see the Fruitvale native and one time Trail captain getting the job done. Ultimately all his hard work will turn into an ivy league education, and it doesn't get any better than that. I do believe though that Limbert's all around game, hard work and fitness level could lead him to a run at the pros.

Ryan Pinder has a very good look at what's left for the regular season in the BCHL over at the Vees Blog. It looks like if Trail wants to finish ahead of PG they're going to need at least one win against a team that isn't Merritt! They've got two chances at it on Friday and Saturday at home against Vernon and Westside. This team needs to get their mojo back before the playoffs and there's only a couple of weeks left to do it! Lets get big crowds out to support them and make that job a little easier.

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