Monday, November 24, 2008

November 22: Trail 6 Westside 4 Video Highlights

I've got a load of highlights from Saturday's thrilling 6-4 victory at the Cominco Arena. It was as entertaining a game as I've seen this season and Kevin (Wetside's broadcaster) said the same thing when we talked yesterday. The highlights should all play one after another here using a youtube playlist. Let me know if you have any problems. Hopefully I'll be able to get you some more video before Thursday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Shawn
I wish we had your broadcast feed, instead of the away team on the pay per view. Thank-you for your professionalism. A reminder to the away teams when they are broadcasting that the mike is always on, eg during intermission. Keep up the good work.
Brad, from Chilliwack